Forward La Crosse Will Host An Open House On Tuesday, March 26, To Gather Further Public Input On Its Bicycle And Pedestrian Master Plan

Forward La Crosse Will Host An Open House On Tuesday, March 26, To Gather Further Public Input On Its Bicycle And Pedestrian Master Plan

La Crosse, WI (March 2023):  The City of La Crosse’s Forward La Crosse is hosting an Open House on Tuesday, March 26 from 4:00-7:00 pm at the South Side Neighborhood Center to solicit further feedback on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan update. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide feedback on draft updates to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, which will be available throughout the event. The Open House will also include a brief presentation from 5:30-6:00 pm with an overview of the project so far.

The City is updating the 2012 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan with the goal of improving the bicycle and pedestrian transportation network throughout the city. The draft plan includes strategies for the creation, growth, and effective administration of current and prospective bicycle, pedestrian, and multi-modal networks within the City of La Crosse.

The draft plan content is based on community engagement that has taken place since the fall of 2023. Since then:

  • 100 community members interacted with a Pop-Up event
  • 245 participants engaged with an interactive online map to share their experiences walking and biking in La Crosse
  • 329 participants filled out a survey
  • 59 community members attended an Open House
  • 12 community members attended an in-depth walkable community workshop

“We deeply appreciate the robust engagement and dedication shown by our community members in shaping the future of La Crosse’s cycling and pedestrian infrastructure. Community involvement is invaluable in ensuring that our plans accurately reflect the diverse needs and desires of all residents. As we continue this process, we encourage even greater community input to further enrich our efforts and guarantee that every voice is heard and considered.” – Jenna Dinkel, Associate Planner, City of La Crosse Planning and Development

For further information on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan update, please visit the project’s website at There, you can access draft plan materials and offer input via survey for those unable to attend the open house.

About the City of La Crosse Planning and Development Department

The mission of the City of La Crosse Planning and Development Department is to improve the conditions of life in La Crosse through expert advisement of economic, environmental, and social data, through recommendations to the public, policymakers, and partners, and to foster a civic spirit that desires a condition of sustained improvement to the city for future generations. Services include Community Development & Housing, Economic Development, Heritage Preservation, and Planning.

Media Contact:

Jenna Dinkel
Associate Planner
City of La Crosse Planning and Development
400 La Crosse St. La Crosse, WI 54601
(608) 789-8676
[email protected]